Saturday, September 3

Internet Repression

it is widely known of the power that technology played in the arab spring but here the NYT weighs in on the more repressive and sinister side of technology.

Amid the cheerleading over recent events in the Middle East, it's easy to forget the more repressive uses of technology. In addition to the rosy narrative celebrating how Facebook and Twitter have enabled freedom movements around the world, we need to confront a more sinister tale: how greedy companies, fostered by Western governments for domestic surveillance needs, have helped suppress them.

Stanisław Lem on the internet

What is your opinion about Internet? Is Internet a new revolution in human life?Each new technology has its advantages and disadvantages. And each one may be used for or against human beings. I am somewhat afraid of this. There is nothing wrong with the tale of Hansel and Gretel, the witch and her hut made of sweets - as long as it remains in the domain of fantasy. However eating the entire roof of a real eatable hut made of sweets would certainly result in indigestion. Everything that is tempting always lies between the outstretched hand and the fruit. Once picked, the fruit turns out to be rotten and it does not suit us any more. The same is the case with the availability of information. What are the advantages of great possibilities to process information if all networks may be paralyzed by Internet viruses? The technology opens new possibilities for wrongdoing. I am a cruel person, hence I hate people who create the "I LOVE YOU" - types of viruses; I would gladly have them whipped and had "enemy of mankind of the first degree" written on their foreheads. I am irritated by evil and stupidity. Evil results from stupidity, while stupidity feeds on Evil. Television is full of violence and desensitizes us. Internet makes it easier to hurt our neighbors. I recently read an article about a young man who tried to (almost successfully) gain control of a computer of a large American aircraft carrier. Had I written such a story some thirty years ago, everybody would consider me mad. However nowadays such a paradox is possible. The entire history of humankind is just a little second on the geological clock. We live in a period of an incredible acceleration. We are like a man who jumped off the roof of a fifty-story building and reached the thirtieth floor.Someone looking out of the windows asks: "How are you doing?" and the falling man replies: "Everything is fine, so far". We are unaware of the speed that captured us. The technology moves forward, however the control of its direction is very weak. 
From science fiction author Stanisław Lem

how old are you really

want to know how old you really are( well, at least half of you)? take the date of your mothers birth and subtract 20 weeks, this will give the approximate date of the creation of the egg that you came from that became you once your fathers sperm fertilized it. this is due to the fact that on the day of your mothers birth she was born with the only supply of eggs (this is in contrast with males who constantly regenerate sperm)
pretty cool huh?
note: while this actually wont give you your real age because you were not you until just after fertilization, in other words this just shows that half of you genetic material was already formed. But it is cool to think about how half of who you are is much older than what you think


you want to know what is "Un-American" this kind of talk
America and the freedom we enjoy was not labeled for one type of person. America is supposed to be the land of the free, established by we the people. 

Friday, September 2

I hate my math program

seriously! do you know how frustrating it is to have this happen!

Thursday, September 1

First Aid

On my way to work today as I was riding the scoot down the hill by the car wash I noticed some cars pulled off to the side of the road next to a bike. As I got closer I noticed why they had stopped, a girl was sitting with her back against the barrier, blood dripping down her face with her bike mangled a few feet by her side. The cars had stopped to offer assistance to her, a man on a phone, a woman running out of a car to offer help. And I remember exactly how it felt for that girl to be in that situation and it made me feel so helpless. I wish I knew first aid better and how to offer help in those situations

but I just rode on by...

Know Your Rights

Print out cool little reminder cards here
contents of cards are as follows:
You Just Got Arrested
In the event you are taken into police custody, the U.S. constitution provides you with the right to remain silent, be informed of any charges against you (and their penalties), speak to your attorney (or have one appointed if you can't afford one), and have a judge decide whether or not you should be let out of jail until your trial.

The police are allowed to ask you processing questions like your name and address. You are required to comply with their requests for this type of information regardless of your right to remain silent. You do not have to answer personal questions, questions pertaining to the crime for which you are charged, or answer anything without an attorney present.

Your silence cannot be used against you, but what you say or write can. If you want to answer their questions with a legal counsel, be sure you tell them immediately. The police are not allowed to question you without a lawyer, once requested, unless you later waive that right.

You Just Got Pulled OverIn the event you are pulled over for a moving violation or citation, according to the "Plain View Doctrine" you have the right to refuse a search of your vehicle if the officer does not have a warrant. If the officer can see contraband in plain sight, however, a warrant to search that visible area is not necessary. You also will need to submit to a basic body pat-down should the officer have strong reason to believe you are armed.

You also have the right to refuse to take a breathalyzer test. While there are no legal repercussions, refusal reflects poorly on you when your case is heard and can have administrative penalties such as a harsher fine or lengthier suspension of your license.

Talent Is Nothing Without Focus and Endurance

In every interview I'm asked what's the most important quality a novelist has to have. It's pretty obvious: talent. Now matter how much enthusiasm and effort you put into writing, if you totally lack literary talent you can forget about being a novelist. This is more of a prerequisite than a necessary quality. If you don't have any fuel, even the best car won't run.
The problem with talent, though, is that in most cases the person involved can't control its amount or quality. You might find the amount isn't enough and you want to increase it, or you might try to be frugal and make it last longer, but in neither case do things work out that easily. Talent has a mind of its own and wells up when it wants to, and once it dries up, that's it. Of course, certain poets and rock singers whose genius went out in a blaze of glory-people like Schubert and Mozart, whose dramatic early deaths turned them into legends-have a certain appeal, but for the vast majority of us this isn't the model we follow.

quotes come from writer Haruki Murakami

Economic Divisions and Political Polarization in Red and Blue America

polarization is strongest among political activists (duh!), and that much of the observed partisan disagreement reflects a deep divide not so much among voters as between Democratic and Republican politicians .On individual issues or clusters of issues, Americans are not much more polarized now than 30 years ago. But issue attitudes are much more closely tied to party identification and self-declared liberal–conservative ideology. As a nation, we have become much more polarized in our views of the major political parties, without there being much of a move to the extremes on the issues themselves. Voters—especially those with higher levels of education and political involvement—have sorted themselves into parties based on political ideology.

Wednesday, August 31

Soldering Skills Acquired! level 2!

turn up your volume, my laptops microphone kinda sucks...

Tuesday, August 30

Firefighting in Ancient Rome

In Rome, "the fire department" was a group of slaves, carrying around these advanced (for the time) pumps. These slaves were called the Familia Publica. Since Roman fires could be very violent and widespread, the slaves were usually slow to respond- thereby guaranteeing their own safety. As a result, there was a lack of firefighting going on. Some clever and cruel businessmen, such as Crassus, made fortunes in the firefighting "business". Crassus had his own team of slaves that worked as firefighters. He and the slaves would go to the burning house, and as it burned, Crassus would attempt to buy it. As the building burned more and more, Crassus would offer less and less money. As soon as the owner relented to sell to Crassus, the slaves would put out the fire.
In the year 6 A.D., almost 30 percent of Rome burned in a very large series of fires. The Emperor Augustus decided that this was much too high a cost, so he assembled a team of public firefighters, named the Vigiles. It was comprised of seven thousand freed slaves who would win citizenship after six years' service in the Vigiles. After a century, freedmen would enter the service of the Vigiles merely for the prestige that came with service. It was ranked much like an elite military service. The Vigiles had become so powerful that they could break into a house if they had suspicion there was a fire inside. If a householder was found to be negligent by allowing a fire to start, the commander could have him flogged.
The Vigiles were successful in fighting fires for over four hundred years; the only severe fire in Rome during this time was in 64 A.D. (There are theories that say the Emperor Nero may have forced them not to act, so he could clear room for his new palace.) Despite their success in Rome, the Vigiles concept did not spread to other cities in the Empire. This was probably due to political factors at the time.

Ferrofluid Magic

Compressed 02 from Kim Pimmel on Vimeo.
more on Ferrofluid here

Monday, August 29

Our Life History

The history of our lives are more than a collection brief genealogical trees, our lives are interconnected with the world around us. Deep patterns and connections confound our understanding, but the message is clear. Our progenitors were survivors. Survivors who depended on each other and still faced the challenges of the world big and small.
We are Life, just one of many forms

read it and weep: school schedule

here is my current schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Microbiology  11:00 am - 11:50 am
Genetics         12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Math               1:30 pm - 2:55 pm

Microbiology lab 3:00 pm - 4:50 pm M

Genetics lab 10:00 am - 10:50 am F

Sunday, August 28

Soldering skills acquired!

Finished by beginner how to solder kit but there wasn't an included 9volt battery so I can't test it! What gives! Now I will have to wait till monday to pick one up. 
But I was able to solder the free maker robot pin. It is super rad!