Saturday, June 25

The crickets in concert. Colorado churning. Slumbering under the milky way

Friday, June 24

On the way to moab

So hot in the back of jakes car
No ac for the next 3 hours...

Cool idea: camera mail

I walked out of a supernova and you did too...

Thursday, June 23

Lifecycle of monarch butterfly

Wow so cool! Butterfly metamorphosis

Here's a website I think you'll like: Journey North: Monarch Butterfly
I never knew that metamorphosis was such a drastic process! It is incredible to imagine the genetics and evolution of this process! Truly incredible!

sonic the hedgehog 3

better than pandora?

On 8tracks, people can do two things: listen to a mix, or create a mix. Listeners can search for a mix by artist or genre, stream it in a legal, radio-style manner, and follow others who make compelling mixes. DJs upload MP3s or AACs to craft a playlist, add context with description and art, and publish their mix on and a personal webpage

allows you to on demand stream any artist with out the restriction of Pandora.

Wednesday, June 22

In bed @ 2:31...

Tuesday, June 21

woo hoo! got my google music invite!


Plasma donation: so apparently I have increased levels of ALT in my blood which is an enzyme that is indicative of a likely liver infection. This defers me from donating till the lingering infection (from when I was sick a few weeks ago) clears up. This was kind of a surprise and is a bummer cause I wanted to donate and get some extra cash. Donating plasma has made me realize the delicate balance of maintaining health in my life. They are very thorough in checking for any problems or warning signs.

Optometrist: my cataract turned out to be pretty harmless along with the "freckle" found on the back of my eye. Probably just as a result of a scar I picked up some years ago. also my prescription changed just slightly, no big deal

Nap: much needed, still tired but  I think I will make it through the day.

Dentist: came in expecting to have a "minor" filling done but what I didn't realize was that still involved the suite of painkillers: laughing gas and injections. Mouth is still really numb and feeling pretty funky. It probably doesn't help that I am mentally and physically drained from lack of sleep.

I am really starting to realize the benefits of health. I am thankful that the problems I have had to deal with have been minor and have not gotten in the way of things I want to accomplish. Maintaining my health is something that I have realized is worth spending money on (yet I am still completely supported by my parents which is something that I am thankful for, some people do not have that luxury). I am lucky to have been born with a relatively sound mind and body. I hope I never have to deal with any huge medical issues in my life. Youth brings me the blessing and freedom from health issues that old age does not.

So I didn't exactly sleep last night. Should I load up on red bull and stay awake? Or take a nap later today?

This Hero Didn’t Stand a Chance

things that are important to us are things that are worth fighting for. the things that we enjoy today are here because those that have come before us stood up to protect them for future generations.
what do we stand up for today, what do we protect and cherish so that our future generations we know what we enjoy today?
I am thankful for the countless many who did protect and envision a future for us. they left and preserved vital resources and because they did so we stand to reap the fruits of their sacrifices.


when was the last time that you or I actually stood up for something? actually put our money where our mouth is to stand up for what is right? how often do we imagine ourselves coming to the rescue yet stand by the wayside when our voice is needed?


"I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." -- MLK

schools into prisons

Dear Governor Snyder,
In these tough economic times, schools are hurting. And yes, everyone in Michigan is hurting right now financially, but why aren’t we protecting schools? Schools are the one place on Earth that people look to to “fix” what is wrong with society by educating our youth and preparing them to take on the issues that society has created.
One solution I believe we must do is take a look at our corrections system in Michigan. We rank nationally at the top in the number of people we incarcerate. We also spend the most money per prisoner annually than any other state in the union. Now, I like to be at the top of lists, but this is one ranking that I don’t believe Michigan wants to be on top of.
Consider the life of a Michigan prisoner. They get three square meals a day. Access to free health care. Internet. Cable television. Access to a library. A weight room. Computer lab. They can earn a degree. A roof over their heads. Clothing. Everything we just listed we DO NOT provide to our school children.
This is why I’m proposing to make my school a prison. The State of Michigan spends annually somewhere between $30,000 and $40,000 per prisoner, yet we are struggling to provide schools with $7,000 per student. I guess we need to treat our students like they are prisoners, with equal funding. Please give my students three meals a day. Please give my children access to free health care. Please provide my school district Internet access and computers. Please put books in my library. Please give my students a weight room so we can be big and strong. We provide all of these things to prisoners because they have constitutional rights. What about the rights of youth, our future?!
Please provide for my students in my school district the same way we provide for a prisoner. It’s the least we can do to prepare our students for the giving our schools the resources necessary to keep our students OUT of prison.
Respectfully submitted,
Nathan Bootz
Ithaca Public Schools

Monday, June 20

Tip: blender and mason jar

Here's a website I think you'll like: Tip: Blender and Mason Jar | Simply Recipes

clouds explained

on writing

recently I have been wishing I wrote more things. When I first started this blog I envisioned my self writing big, huge, important things but as you can see that has not come to pass. I have come to realize that certain things that are important yet boring take time such as being organize, basic hygiene, and writing. Yet these are all things that are worth spending time on...yet finding the time can be tricky.
this is a secret message!

Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality

Is the web a public resource?

How Today's Conservatism Lost Touch with Reality

Sunday, June 19

To make a thief, make an owner; to create crime, create laws

Eisenhower's Farwell address

 Eisenhower's worst fears came true. We invent enemies to buy the bombs | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian
In Eisenhower's farewell address he refers to the looming destruction that the "military-industrial complex" held  over democracy in America. Yet in his original drafts he referred instead to the "military-industrial-congressional complex". This makes sense to for Eisenhower to have pointed out as congress ultimately decides how to foot the bill of our defense budget.
  Eisenhower recognized all three (1. Military 2. Industry and 3. Congress) as threats to democracy to the point of "endager(ing) our liberties and democratic processes"

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves but wiser people so full of doubts - Bertrand Russel

a safe, long-lasting way of improving both your life and your personal feelings of well-being: shrooms

"Is what is morally good commanded by God because it is morally good, or is it morally good because it is commanded by God?"

I often think about this because I would dare say that god commands things because they are morally good. yet if this is the case why worship god? why not just do what is right?
yes I can and do see religion as capable of teaching moral  truths yet I also believe that religion does not have a monopoly on morality. moral values can be conferred  upon individuals outside of the church house