Friday, June 10


since I did not write a blog post the other day because I kept myself pretty busy I though I would do a quick re-cap of my day.
plasma center: rode the scooter to the center so I was super cold when I got there and ended up having to wait a few minutes to warm up before I was able to 'donate'. Once I got in I decided to 'donate' with my right arm again, and the needle went it great and was much more comfortable than my left arm. However what sucked was I ended up having to go the the restroom REALLY bad mid 'donation' and ended up having to stop to take a pee break. For some reason I felt like I was being a quiter for not trying to stick it out and finsish up...
hike: afterwards I ran over to Out'n Back to redeem some store credit and picked up a sweet new headlamp and a new water bottle and headed up rock canyon to chill our for a bit. Weather is really great this time of year so it wasn't too hot and the foliage was happy with all this extra moisture we have been having this season.
Provo Bicycle Committee meeting: had to cut my hike short to make it over to the committee meeting in time. We had great meeting and discussed some great new developments for provo including a study conducted by a BYU student who did a connectivity analysis for provo which will help in determining the best location for a new infrastructure such as bicycle lanes. Also we discussed about organizing volunteers for the upcoming Tour of Utah which will be a great opportunity to see some professional riders up close and personal