Wealth without WorkI really like how these show that for everything we strive for we must always never forget to lose sight of the core principles for which we do things. That all things are in opposition to each other and although it seems counter-intuitive, we must seek balance between the things we do and desire.
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Knowledge without Character
Politics without Principle
Commerce without Morality
Worship without Sacrifice
looking at these precepts I think I could find examples of each of the sins and share them here. While Gandhi recognized these as sins I wonder if it would be possible to find the Seven Moral Virtues
Wealth with WorkSo to kick things off I will share a video that shows Science with Humanity
Pleasure with Conscience
Science with Humanity
Knowledge with Character
Politics with Principle
Commerce with Morality
Worship with Sacrifice
In this video it shows how some musicians have made music out of the radioactive decay of elements. The musicians have managed to blend music with science and I think the result is something you will enjoy!
Update 8/15/11: after some further thought I think I will have to put this tag on the back-burner for the moment due to the fact that I haven't really used it. I originally envisioned this to be a reoccurring tag I could put on subsequent posts but that hasn't turned out to be the case after having it for a few weeks. I can see why Gandhi saw these and sins and while I notice many of these things as sins I didn't intend for this tag to be used to highlight the sins of the world here. I wanted to be able to show the seven moral virtues and I still have hope that they exist in the world I think that they are hard to come by.