Had some close calls on my bike lately.
1. Approaching turn off for parking lot next to UVU library and as I was anticipating to turn a car pulled forward out of the parking lot and had failed to signal. This caused me to become uneasy as I was executing my turn as I was at a complete loss as to how I was to anticipate what this driver was attempting to do. So as I drove by I kind of barked at him to signal next time, looking back I am worried that I overreacted a bit and was too harsh and should have kept my cool.
2. Riding home from the winterize your ride class from the collective and had a car with a) their lights off (I was on my way home after dark) and b) they failed to signal as they pulled away from curb. Thankfully as the driver was executing the turn they looked my way and noticed me coming. This caused me to again have to bark at the driver to get their lights on.
I have never had to really get drivers attention around here so it is odd for me to have to yell at someone as it is out of character for me to do so and makes me feel like I am being overly cranky or rude.